August 11, 2024

You Are Forgiven and When No One Understands

Passage: Luke 22:31-71
Service Type:

Jesus knows you.  He knows your heart with everything that is in it, and, yet, He still forgives and loves you to the fullest.  When Peter boldly declared that he would go where Jesus goes, even if that meant prison or death, Jesus revealed Peter's heart that he would deny Jesus three times before the rooster crowed.  What Jesus said next shows how awesome He is; He tells Peter that Satan has desired to sift him like wheat, or shake him to his very core, but Jesus had already prayed for him.  Jesus had already forgiven Peter for what he had not yet done.  Did you know He has done the same for you?  If you will only believe in Jesus, then you will find out you are forgiven.

Have you ever felt a grudge in your heart toward someone and felt like you just can't forgive them?  That is our human weakness, a weakness that can be conquered through the love of Jesus being poured out on our hearts.  Jesus had several chances to hold grudges.  The Pharisees and Sanhedrin lied and falsely accused him so that they could have put him to death, yet Jesus forgave them.  You are forgiven, now extend that forgiveness to others.

Suffering is hard.  It is hard when no one understands what you are going through, but remember that Jesus is the only One Who completely understands; turn to Him.  His promise to you is that He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Remember Job.  He suffered terribly, all at once the enemy came in and tried to destroy his life.  He didn't understand what was happening, but He knew that God was his Redeemer and Vindicator.



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