September 24, 2023

You Are Blessed and Battling Together

Passage: Matthew 5:1-12
Service Type:

You are blessed in many ways, and through many different people and happenings.  As Jesus gives the Beatitudes, He makes it clear that those who receive blessings are blessed and those who give blessings are blessed.  Our reward in heaven is much greater than any reward here on earth, not the most money or the biggest property, but the presence of eternal heaven.  Not even the best friendships, the closest relationships, can amount to our moment of coming into God's presence forever.

In battling the darkness, it is crucial to remember those who are warring with you against the enemy.  Don't forget your brothers and sisters in the faith who are standing alongside you, praying for you when you are weak, picking you up when you trip, and not leaving your side when the battle gets tough.  We all serve a specific purpose in the Body of Christ; each one of us has certain traits and characteristics that are unique to our personality.  These all come from God and are meant to be used for good for each other, not for evil.  The gift or gifts that God gave you are a blessing; use those blessings wisely, but do use them.  Don't think that you are ill-fitted for the purpose God has for your life.  Your life may have a great impact on someone else who needs a friend to help them during their battles.


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