July 7, 2024

Words of Eternal Life and Faith Works by Love, not Feelings

Passage: John 6:47-58
Service Type:

Jesus was the final one-time sacrifice for all sin.  He paid the price so that we could have eternal life; Jesus is the Word.  When you partake of His Word, you are eating His flesh and drinking His blood.  That is why it sounded so controversial to the people and even a hard saying to his disciples.  In order to understand spiritual things, you must see spiritually.

Peter knew that Jesus had the words of eternal life and refused to walk away from the Lord even when many others did.  Is this Word in you?  Is it so readily available that you forget to eat it?  Are you so full of the things of this world that you are not partaking of the true food of the Gospel?

If you want to live eternally with life, then believe in Jesus; otherwise you will still live eternally, but it will be in death.

Faith is what you believe.  It works by love, not by how you feel.  Believing in God is loving Him no matter what has happened, is happening or will happen.  Our emotions are affected by our past, by our families, by those we work with; these emotions can cloud our spiritual judgment and either make us too lenient or too critical.  If we let our feelings affect our love, they will in turn affect our faith.

It is crucial as believers to rely on the love of God for how we respond to situations, to people, and to the unknown.  You are not just a number.  You are important to Father God, and He wants to bless you with His love.  If you receive it, then you will find faith is born in that love whether you have ever realized it or not.


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