November 5, 2023

We Need Jesus

Passage: Romans 8
Service Type:

Not everyone understands how much we need Jesus, even us who have received Him in our lives.

The Law of the Spirit of Life is that Jesus came to die for our sins; the Law of Death is that we need to be made new or we will be in death forever.  Jesus came to give us life, to take away condemnation, to set us free.  We all are under the law of death until we receive Jesus, no matter what religion, what ideology, whatever we believe, we will stand before God someday.

We need Jesus.  Without Him, we will live this life on our own terms in sin and unbelief and end up going to hell, suffering death for eternity.  There are many false religions that say this god is real, this lifestyle is right or wrong, listen to this or listen to that.  The truth is that there is only one Father God, our Elohim, our Creator; and He sent His Son Jesus into this world to die for our sins because He loves us.

Between the devil and people, they will all deceive you into believing something different from the truth of the Gospel.  This can be hard to discern without the Holy Spirit.  It is vital to be filled with the Holy Ghost so that you know what is truth and what is not.  Put your faith 100% in Jesus Christ.  Believe in the Truth.  You need Jesus.


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