September 1, 2024

Walls of Jericho and Hardships Series Sermon #4 – Confronting the Thief

Passage: Joshua 5 and 6
Service Type:

We have battles that we are fighting, walls that need to be torn down, and we can only do that through the power of God.  We cannot fight these battles on our own.  We wrestle not with flesh and blood but against the powers of darkness.  Just like God took down the walls of Jericho, He can take down any walls in our life.  Be still and listen to Him, let Him fight your battle.  You may want to speak, but keep your peace and let the Lord have vengeance on your enemies.  Don't speak doubt.  Speak the Word into your life.

Job suffered a terrible financial loss.  Have you ever been there?  No matter how much you have lost, be assured that God will always take care of His people.  Seek Him diligently; trust Him when you are blessed and when you are going through adversities.  He will provide your every need.

Jesus told us to ask and receive that our joy may be full.  What you don't have, you ask God for.  What is the desire of your heart?  What are you hoping for?  When you ask, you receive.  What happens when something is taken from you like Job?  Do you give up?  No!  Proverbs says that a thief when he is caught is to restore sevenfold.  It's time for you to stand on God's Word and take back what Satan-the biggest thief!-has stolen from you.  Not only should he restore to you sevenfold, but he is supposed to give you ALL of the substance of his house.  What has he robbed you of?  What has he taken from you?  Are there souls and prodigal children that were taken?  What about your finances and health?  Take it back in the Name of Jesus!


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