August 25, 2024

Unity in the Body of Christ and Hardships Series – Loss of Loved Ones

Passage: Ephesians 2:8-22
Service Type:

God is the One joining us together; we are united in Christ.  Jesus makes the whole body fit together perfectly, even in our obvious differences and callings and opinions, Jesus holds us together in his incredible love.  God actually gives us the unity we need in the Body of Christ; He calls us and equips us.  He speaks to us by His Holy Spirit and brings us together in agreement.  No matter where you go, if you belong to the Body of Christ, you can't run from God.  You are His child, and He will search for you; He will leave the 99 just to find 1.

Losing a loved one is a hardship no one wants to go through, but it is one we all have faced and will face.  It is the kind of suffering that can be shocking, can come at the worst time, and can feel like the pain never goes away.  In the series talking about Job, today we look at another person in his life who was also suffering-his wife.  Though we don't know her name, we can tell by her short conversation with her husband that she is in the pain of a mother who has lost her children, and her husband is now suffering through a terrible disease.  This all seemed unfair to her, so she tells him to just give up.  Just curse God and die.  But Job tells her to not talk like the world talks, God will take care of it all, whether they are blessed or not.

When you lose a loved one, it is hard; you need comfort.  Jesus knew that you needed comfort, He thought of you while He was on earth and gave us the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter.  Let Him speak through you to each other, we need that comfort.


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