May 26, 2024

The Seed of Faith and Evils of Witchcraft

Passage: Galatians 3:6-29
Service Type:

Jesus is the Seed of Faith.  Through Him we are blessed with eternal life.  Whatever you have need of, God is providing the seed.  Abraham followed God by faith; we are blessed by the Seed of Abraham which is Jesus.  This was a prophecy that came true; Abraham was made righteous through His faith in God.  Jesus became a curse for us by hanging on the tree so that we could be made the righteousness of God in Him.  This faith we live by is the exact same faith that Abraham lived by; there is no difference.  Believe in God.

Witchcraft does operate in the Body of Christ; legalists tend to believe that only unbelievers do witchcraft, but liberalists believe there is no problem with a little bit of witchcraft. We face this issue all around the world; it is taking our younger generation by storm.  We are losing our younger generation to the wiles of the devil, through deception of black magic and witchery.

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft; in order to defeat its power, we must defeat the spirit of rebellion over ourselves, our children and this nation.  Witchcraft causes one to want power from demons; they believe that power belongs to them, not realizing that it is a devil that is controlling and destroying them.  Without the power of God in a person's life to set them free from the spirit of rebellion, they will delve into witchcraft because they see it as the only powerful thing in their lives.  To fight this in our modern day, we need to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.  Don't ignore the authority you have in the Name of Jesus to compromise your faith on this topic.


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