May 12, 2024

The Apple of His Eye and The Orphan Spirit-Part One

Passage: Zechariah 2:1-13
Service Type:

Israel is the apple of God's eye; the pupil of your eye is the apple. When someone messes with Israel, it is like poking Him in the eye.  Cry out to God when you are in trouble and know that as a child of God, you are also the apple of His eye because you are grafted in.  Through Jesus, God raised up His Body of Believers to protect His people of Israel.  Though there are many Jews who still do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah, God is revealing Who Jesus is in an amazing way.  Through the internet and evangelistic videos, God is reaching His people all around the world.  Bless Israel and you will be blessed; but assuredly if you curse Israel, you will be cursed.

The orphan spirit is not usually something the Body of Christ thinks about, but it is prevalent in our Body today.  An orphan is one who doesn't have a father or a mother; they are abandoned and alone.  Jack Frost once said, "The orphan spirit cannot be cast out of anyone, rather it can only be swallowed up a deep encounter with the Father's love."

There are ministers all around the world who have never had an encounter with God's love; they minister out of talent and an ability to write a sermon, it's a good career choice, but if you don't have an encounter with the love of God, you cannot give it out.  We as ministers preach the Word out of the love of God, not a love for man or for ourselves.


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