August 18, 2024

Suffering – Sermon 3 from the Hardships Series

Passage: Galatians 6:1-5
Service Type:

Job's story is an example of an extreme hardship that caused him suffering.  It was a burden of epic proportions.  He basically loses everything in one day, then the devil declares that is just not enough tragedy and puts sickness on Job as well.  Satan is our true enemy; he only wants to steal, kill, and destroy God's people.  Job is close to giving up, but the Lord shows up and blesses him with twice as much as he had before.  That's our God for you!

Don't despair when heavy burdens are placed on you because they aren't yours to bear.  Jesus has come as the Lord of our salvation to deliver us from the burden of sin, the burdens of all sickness and disease, He is the Deliverer.  It can seem unfair when you are going through a situation that seems to go on non-stop.  The pain doesn't heal.  The hurts keep coming up to our minds.  The harsh words of loved ones keep penetrating our thoughts.  Those we thought cared turn away and don't want to listen to our woes.  These things are hard, but God is our Redeemer, and He lives.  He cares about every hurt we are going through, and He wants to take away those harsh burdens.

Turn your heart to Jesus today and rest in His love.  When you are suffering, He is right there to hold on to you.  Maybe you need to cry.  Maybe you need to take out your frustrations.  Jesus knows what you need, and He doesn't turn away just because you are not a perfect person; no, He tells you to come close because in His arms is true joy and everlasting peace.


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