August 4, 2024


Passage: Job 1-4
Service Type:

Suffering is not pleasant.  It is hard.  No one likes to suffer or even see someone suffering.  Are you reaching out to those who are suffering with empathy or with criticism?  Is your heart softened to the Holy Spirit to be sensitive to notice those who are suffering and reach out to them with love?  How do you do that as a Christian?

We are all familiar with the deep suffering that Job went through; many of us use his famous quote, "The Lord gives and takes away, blessed be the Name of the Lord."  But do we understand what that means for us today?  Before Jesus came, things were different for mankind; the blood that Jesus sacrificed on the cross is how we are delivered from the wrath of God.

Satan is the accuser of the brethren.  He did all that he could to destroy Job's faith in God because he himself failed in his service to God; satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.  As you are suffering, turn your heart to Jesus to help you through the pain; you may not understand what is going on in the spiritual realm, but you have a Redeemer who loves you so much that He gave His life for you.

If you are watching someone suffer, think like the Good Samaritan; do the right thing whether society agrees with you or not.  People need love; they need care.  They need to know that YOU care because JESUS is in you.


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