November 12, 2023

Spiritual Growth and The Hope That Is Within You

Passage: Ephesians 3
Service Type:

God enjoys blessing His people, even the little things.  He also enjoys it when we come and spend time with Him, whether on our own or with other believers.

As a Christian, each one of us is growing in the Lord; be sensitive to other people who are growing at a different level or pace than you because we are all different and unique.  Don't be ashamed or feel like you're ashamed of God; be bold in your faith in Him.  God wants that communication with you because He loves and cares about you.

God is unlimited in His way of strengthening us.  Receive His power to understand His love.  He chooses us like He chose Paul because He has a unique plan for each of us.  We believe the Gospel, we believe the greatest plan of salvation, but do we believe that He has a plan for our lives?

Abraham believed in God, and he was counted as righteous.  Do you believe God?  Is your faith and hope completely in Jesus?  It is pertinent that you place your whole faith in Him, nothing faltering, nothing wavering.  You cannot do this on your own.  You need to give yourself to Jesus and let your roots go down deep and strong in His love.  He is the One who makes you complete and whole.   He is the greatest Hope there is.  Give yourself to His perfect will.


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