June 9, 2024

Run to God and The Power of Prayer

Passage: Genesis 3:1
Service Type:

When you mess up, don't try to blame others. Run to God instead of running away from Him.  He is your true salvation, your help in time of need.  Don't hide your sin because God knows anyway what you are doing, what is on your heart and what you need to repent of.  Listen to the Holy Spirit.

How does prayer work?

How do you know it's working?

We know because we have seen it work in our own lives; we have seen the power of prayer have an effect on our hearts, on our bodies, on our families, on our nation, and on the world.  If God's Word is true, then why don't some of our prayers get answered?  Why does it feel like when it rains, it pours.  Why does it feel like we just can't catch a break?  Why does it feel like our prayers are fruitless?

When you get into a vehicle and it doesn't start, does that mean you won't ever drive it again?  No!

That would be foolish; you know that it could be the battery or maybe it's out of gas.  Maybe it needs a tune-up that we have ignored for a while.  Now let's apply that analogy to prayer; you may not see the result or think it's not working, but don't give up!  Keep praying; keep getting in that vehicle of prayer and seek the Lord.  Keep seeking Him!


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