Renewal Brings Transformation
If you have believed in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confessed with your mouth, you are born again. What is the next step? How do you maintain growth in your Christian walk? Get filled with the Holy Spirit and be renewed by the power of God’s Word on a daily basis. Spend time in His presence in prayer, in praise, in study of His Word.
Does the old man, your old lifestyle, creep up now and then? Do you feel like you have a hard time conquering past sins, past bad habits? Are the temptations so frequent that you feel like you might as well give up and give in? Don’t! Stand strong! You are a child of God. Know who you are and believe in the power of the transformation of the Holy Spirit. Every time you say no to temptation, to sin, you are building good character in your life. You are setting yourself and determining to go in the right direction for the Lord.
The people you meet along the way will help shape you into a stronger and better Christian. Spend time with the Lord, but also spend time with the body of Christ. Find a friend, a confidant, a person in your life whom you are accountable toward. Those people will help you grow and keep you on the right path.