March 24, 2024

Purim and Family Warfare

Passage: Esther 9:1-32
Service Type:

Recall the history of the Jewish people when Queen Esther risked her life to save her people. Jews celebrate Purim to remember that God delivered them from the hand of Haman. Queen Esther was there for such a time as this. The Jews were facing death, they fasted and prayed, and slew their enemy because God gave them victory through the queen. God will always put the right person in the right place at the right time to take care of His people from generation to generation. God will be there for you as well; you are His people. He will take care of you. Do not despair in times of disgrace and difficulty. God will deliver you.

Family warfare is a tough subject; whether they live with you or not, you will go through battles with your family. It can seem like a sudden attack, but remember you are here for a reason, set in your family for a reason. Don't give up on your family. You have to decide in your families who you will serve; will you serve the Lord or will you serve the world? You have to face this in your family.

The reason why we go through so much family warfare is because the devil knows your family has the biggest influence on your life. It is through your family that you develop thought patterns and even make life choices, so you have to decide if you are making the right choice, whether they agree with you or not. The Body of Christ is your spiritual family; remember you have a family in Jesus even if your blood family deny Jesus. You may have to give up family, but God will give you above and beyond; He will give you the family you need.


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