Jesus Sat Down and Fruit of the Spirit Series – Part 2 of Love
Toward the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth, we notice a few arguments from the disciples about who is the greatest. These statements caused division and dissension between the disciples because they were seeing the Kingdom of God as a physical kingdom that would take down the Roman empire.
How often do we get caught up in what can Jesus do for me? When have we asked what we can do for Him, for the Kingdom? Jesus wants us to come to Him as a child does, with faith and a care free attitude that just wants to enjoy life. When you get to thinking about how great you are in the Body of Christ, it is time to do a heart check. Humble yourself and work on encouraging your brothers and sisters in the Lord.
In the Fruit of the Spirit Series, we talked about love last week, and how important love flowing from your spirit is the most important love. It is God’s love that does not love others based on what they can do for you but just simply loving them. This is supernatural.
In Revelation 2, Jesus rebukes the Church of Ephesus for leaving their first love. They were doing wonderful works for the Kingdom, but lost making love their first work and primary focus. Have you lost your love for others? How is your relationship with the Father? It is through Him that we love others and in turn do the right works in the right order. Without love nothing else matters. Without love an entire denomination or region of churches can lose their light to shine in the darkness; this is a scheme of the enemy to get you so busy with works that you forget to love others.