June 30, 2024

How to Grow Spiritually

Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:13-18
Service Type:

As we delve back into the second part of growing spiritually, it's important to remember that Jesus said we are in the world but not of the world.  He told us that if the world hates Him, then surely it will hate us.  Don't be surprised when you are treated differently, even when you are persecuted because you are different; you have eternal life.

To grow in our spirits, we need communion with the Holy Spirit; we need to keep our eyes and ears open to what the Father is saying to us to learn to be more like Him just like we learned to do similar things our parents taught us. It is through abiding in Christ (His Spirit) that the fruit of the Spirit comes forth through each one of us. Jesus said that you will know them by their love; if you are alive and growing spiritually, then others around you will see this evidenced in your life.

Our fleshly motives can hinder our growth in the Lord; it is through the Spirit that we receive the understanding of how to overcome the works of the flesh.  If you are walking through a dark valley, don't you want Someone with you?  Yield yourself to the power of Jesus, to the power of His Spirit in you to walk victoriously.

Your character reveals how you are growing spiritually; Christians with good character have even a good reputation among sinners, not because they are better than anyone else, but because they have learned to listen to the Holy Spirit Who tells them, hey stay away from there, that could lead you in trouble!  Or, go there, and you will be blessed!  Stay with God, and you will grow proficiently.


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