March 17, 2024

Hope in Jesus and The Battle with Self

Passage: Colossians 1
Service Type:

God's good news has gone throughout the whole world. He sent His one and only begotten Son as a sacrifice-a one-time sacrifice-to redeem and sanctify and make us clean. His blood cleanses us from all sin; stand in faith. Ask God for spiritual wisdom, maybe you don't know what to do in this life, but God has an answer for you. As you grow in the Lord, you will learn about Jesus more and more. You will be filled with joy when you are thankful to the Lord Jesus for what He has, is and will do for you. People see that hope in you because of the joy that you express through your love for Jesus. Jesus is the visible image of our invisible God. Everything was created by Jesus for Him. No matter what you need, put your hope in Jesus.

When you call upon the Name of Jesus Christ, you will be saved. Trust in Him. This is a deep study, talking about how to deal with your self is hard for many of us. What you go through in your heart affects your life, your spiritual walk, and your relationship with others. If you are saved and believe on Jesus, keep seeking things above, like the position of authority we talked about in the last sermon. You need to know where you are to believe where you can be. Believe in Him no matter what you are facing! Put to death and deprive of power the evil longings of your earthly body; it only leads to hell. Crucify your flesh and don't let it take your devotion away from the Lord Jesus; don't let it be an idol. Put God first in your life; be a living sacrifice that doesn't keep getting on and off the altar. Stay there and let God transform you.


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