June 23, 2024

Healing by Faith and How Do You Know If You Are Growing Spiritually?

Passage: Mark 5:21-36
Service Type:

Jesus came here to redeem you; He wants to heal your body and your mind because He cares about every part of you.  The woman with the issue of blood was desperate for healing; she had spent all she had and yet still no healing.  When she heard about Jesus, she had faith that He could heal her; she thought to herself, "If I only touch His garment, I will be healed."

Let your faith be strengthened that even though this happened long ago, people still receive miraculous, inexplainable healings today. Believe in your heart for what God wants to do in your life; maybe you are desperate.  Maybe you don't feel like it is an important issue like, God doesn't need to heal my headache, He has many other people in the world more important than me.  Remember that God cares about each person.  Be obedient to Jesus. It is by His stripes that you are healed.  He is always there for you, even when others are not--go to Him in faith.

Why is it important to grow in our spiritual maturity?

Everything that grows is alive; if you are alive spiritually, then you need to be growing.  We are new creatures in Christ-we bare His image spiritually. We look like Him, we need to be like Him. It is time to put off the old man and walk closer to the Father. It is time to question ourselves, what is lacking in our lives?  What is holding back our growth?  Are we not getting the nutrients we need to be growing?  God gave to His Church leaders to guide and instruct by the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in our growth.  Are you planted in a body of believers and submitted to those who will help you grow?



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