March 3, 2024

Have Faith and Walking in Authority in the Supernatural

Passage: Mark 11:20-26
Service Type:

Have faith in God. Ask according to His will, and you will receive it. Don't despair or be disheartened when things don't seem to work out or you don't get an answer right away. Trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding. You don't know how the Lord will provide, or how He will heal or how He will change your circumstance, but trust that He will. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

In this natural world, you walk in authority because you have authority in the supernatural. You don't go by what you see, but you walk by faith, by what you don't see; that is how you walk in the supernatural. It is beyond your physical realm; in the spiritual realm is where the enemy hides and deceives and tricks people into sinning, into doubting, into hatred. Don't listen to the enemy; take control of your thoughts. Bring them under the subjection of Jesus Christ. Your authority comes from Jesus, the Word, take His Word and walk in the supernatural realm where He already has the victory over death, hell and the grave.


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