March 10, 2024

God’s Workers and Walking in Authority in the Name of Jesus

Passage: Acts 18:1-28
Service Type:

Be faithful to what God has called you to do, even if there are others who oppose you and even try to deter you through persecution, through speaking evil about you. God will work everything out and bring people across your path who will help you to do His work. What is God calling you to do?  We all follow Christ, stop worrying about denominational barriers, but instead walk in love to fulfil God's plan on this earth.

What are you battling right now, what are you going through? It's time to take authority in the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names. You have to believe in Jesus. Walk by faith. We are in this world physically, but there is a spiritual realm. We may not see the victory when we are in the battle, but we see it by faith. See things through the light of Jesus Christ. Take up your shield of faith and hold your sword; these work interchangeably. You have to know who you are in Christ Jesus; God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Know Who He is and know Him personally, intimately. By having faith in Jesus, you receive revelation knowledge.

The devil has two goals in this world, stop you from believing in Jesus and keep you from being an effective Christian. Grow up in the Lord, be spiritually mature. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.


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