December 10, 2023

God’s Got This and Be Holy As He Is Holy

Passage: John 15
Service Type:

Have you ever heard someone say, "You got this!"

Well, that sounds good to us, but really, God's got this.  He is the One Who truly is your strength when you are weak, your help when you falter, and your Father when you are abandoned.

Jesus is the Vine, and we are the branches.  We need Him to prune us so that we will produce fruit; that pruning is the correction that sometimes we don't like; sometimes it hurts when something is cut off, but it is necessary for growth.  You can't do anything without Jesus.  The Hebrew boys in the furnace understood that only God was their salvation; they knew they could not do anything without God.  We don't need to defend ourselves before others.  Our faith needs to be in the Father.  God's got this.

We cannot be holy on our own; it is Father God who sets us apart for Himself when we surrender our lives to Him.  The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins; each and every day it is the blood that keeps us holy and cleansed.  We will sin, and that is not holy.  Sin is missing the mark of holiness, but the blood of Jesus wipes away that sin and makes us holy.  We cannot change ourselves; only Jesus can change us from the inside out.  Be ye holy as He is holy.  You have to make the choice to serve Jesus and receive forgiveness, receive love, receive grace.  Accept all that He has for you because He loves you deeply and passionately.


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