November 19, 2023

God’s Faithfulness and Thanksgiving Starts with Thanks

Passage: Psalm 36:1-12
Service Type:

As we near Thanksgiving, let's remember God's faithfulness.  King David wrote often of God's faithfulness, of His grace, His lovingkindness because he knew God's character.  He wrote that the entire earth is filled with the faithfulness of God.  God's light is the only true Light.

Sacrifices are only an atonement, but God wanted a heart change in His people; Jesus came to be the ultimate and final sacrifice.  He also came to change your heart.  You have to set your eyes on the Lord and receive the transformation that you need.  Is it easy?  Not always, but as soon as the change happens, you will feel the relief and healing that you desperately need.  You may not even know what is going on or why you feel a certain way.  Yield your heart to the Lord.

We all go through hard times, but no matter what we have need of, we need to cry out to the Lord and wait for His salvation.  He hears you, He will answer you.  He is never too early and never too late; that is His faithfulness.

Make a point to give thanks to God, not just at Thanksgiving, but every day of your life.  He has supplied our needs at every point of our lives, and He will continue to do that because He has promised that to His people.  He is bringing us to victory in the Name of Jesus.


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