May 19, 2024

Glorify God and The Orphan Spirit-Part Two

Passage: 1 Peter 4:1-19
Service Type:

When you choose to serve God, your friends who don't love God will reject you; if you are suffering persecution from them because of your faith, don't give up!  You have to love people through the love of God; you even need the love of God for your fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. We may not always like each other, but God has put many of us together to strengthen and build each other up in the most holy faith.  Have fervent and unfailing love for one another to bring God glory. Be hospitable without complaint.

The world wants to attack anyone who serves the Lord; darkness is getting darker and light is getting brighter. Let your life bring Him glory no matter what you are facing.

The orphan spirit must be conquered by God's love.  The nature of the orphan spirit must be detected and discarded; if you catch this early, it is much easier to conquer.  The orphan spirit is all about self; they only want things done their way, not anyone else's or more importantly, God's way.  As you listen to this sermon, there will be names that pop up in your mind; before you think of anyone else, start with a heart check on yourself.  Don't judge others when you might be going through this yourself.  If God does show you someone else, then it is your responsibility to love and pray for them. Love covers a multitude of sins; the only way to get through this is with the love of God.  He is there for you right now, call upon Him while He is near, and He will receive you into His loving arms.

God doesn't change; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


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