June 2, 2024


Passage: Revelation 12
Service Type:

The devil starts with persecution to divide the Body of Christ; if that doesn't work, he moves to sow division through words of offense and bitterness.  He brings in the spirit of confusion to cause strife and discord.  There are quite often times where ministers who were once famous will tell the next generation that God only moves a certain way; we can't put God in a box!  There is no secret formula to the next revival.  The Last Great Awakening is upon us, not because of anything we can or cannot do or should or should not do, it is because God operates on His timeline, not ours.

When God is moving, He moves through us; when we move, He is moving with us because He is in us.  We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.  The devil has a short time and is doing whatever it takes to destroy the Body of Christ; he is the accuser of the brethren. Do you see him ever accusing those who don't follow God?  No, because he knows they are on their way to hell, but he will do whatever it takes to get you away from God.

At some point in your life you will lose something or think that you are losing something, and you will inevitably blame God for that.  Don't accuse God of the pain even if you think He can somehow stop it.  All evil comes from the curse of sin.

Spend time with true brethren and sisters in the Lord who will give you good counsel and be true friends to you.  A true friend will help you in this battle against the enemy.  We need each other to pray for one another in love and honesty.


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